Character Bio: Delilah

Full Name: Delilah Barrister

Occupation: Housewife

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5′ 5″

Weight: 125 lbs

Hobbies: Pilates, leading conservative Republican women’s groups, living in denial

Background: Delilah graduated from West Point, where she met her Norman. After serving her minimum commitment, she gave up her career aspirations in order to support her husband while he served in the Army, and later in his bid for Seattle mayor.

Beneath the Surface: To the outside world, Delilah stands by her man and does everything in her power to project the image of the perfect housewife. In reality, she’s just as ambitious as her husband and is itching for a chance to assume her own leadership role. She lives in denial about her husband’s sexuality, though she’s well aware of his hair-trigger temper and lives in fear of setting him off.

Appears in: Vengeance, Retribution, Reckoning

