Character Bio: Norman

Full Name: Norman Barrister

Occupation: Retired Army Colonel / Seattle Mayor Candidate

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Height: 6′ 4″

Weight: 230 lbs

Hobbies: Golfing, yard work, exercising, lying to himself

Background: Norman is a Seattle native who excelled at sports and other leadership roles. He graduated from West Point, where he met his wife Delilah, and led a long and distinguished career in the Army. After retiring from the military as a colonel, he returned to Seattle and decided to run for mayor as a way to give back to the community that raised him.

Beneath the Surface: Though Norman exudes charisma and confidence, he secretly considers himself superior to most people and thinks it’s his right to lead the “weak,” while also paradoxically being filled with shame over his repressed homosexuality. The resulting cognitive dissonance has him a hair’s-width away from exploding with irrational rage at any moment, and easily manipulated by unscrupulous Italian men.

Appears in: Vengeance
