Day 1 of the RWA annual conference in Orlando, FL, began with the traditional carrying of the penis-shaped torch to light the vagina-shaped ceremonial fire. It was quite majestic!

Later, I peeked into the Goody Room, loading up on bookmarks and tiny branded chocolates. As I stood in the back with a handful of Harlequin mints, two women walked in and announced, “We heard there were sex dice! Where are they?” Alas, all the sex dice were gone. They snatched up tiny bottles of lube instead.

Wandering the lobby, I came upon these big color-in murals! I contributed to them…guess how (you may have to zoom in to see it)? Hint: I was on-brand naughty.
The first day was short; I only had one workshop that day, which was the first timer’s orientation. The panel was excellent, and even included a dude!

I came away with one great piece of advice: set at least one goal for any conference or workshop you attend. A good one is to make at least one friend, or a battle buddy. I think I’ll do that.