If you’ve read my latest novel, VENGEANCE, then you know it’s chock-full of what we in Romancelandia call the “sexy-times.” Specifically, there are romantic relations between M/F, M/M, F/F, and M/M/F. If you haven’t read the book yet, well now you know! If that kind of thing is really not your jam, read SPICE OF LOVE instead! There are only two relatively tame sex scenes in that one, I swear.
“Why so many sexy-times?” you might ask. “Are you kind of a pervert?” ………Maybe, a little. BUT really, there are lots of sex scenes because the book is about sex.
What is sex, and why do people have it? Is it good or bad? It can be both, really, depending on the situation and the people involved. There can also be huge strings attached, like pregnancy, STDs, social consequences, etc. In a nutshell, sex is kind of a big deal, even though most people shy away from talking about it.
Sex is a critical element of romance, even the conservative Inspirationals. Love can be lots of things, but romance is love plus a sexual element, either implicit or explicit; otherwise, it’s not romance.
Many of the characters in VENGEANCE are sexually fluid, existing along a spectrum of sexuality. A good number of them are having trouble accepting their sexual identities. The main characters, Max and Val, have a complicated relationship with sex—because of their shared condition, often it’s merely a means to an end. When they begin to accept their sexual identities and view sex as an act of affection, that’s when love blooms. On the other end of the spectrum, the antagonist’s shame over his sexuality enables other, more clever people to manipulate him. He loses power.
The theme: being honest with yourself and accepting who you are gives you strength. The characters who accept their sexual identities are the ones who have power. And those who pair their sexual identities with love have the most power.
SO, that’s what’s up with all the sexy-times in VENGEANCE. Tell your friends next time they give you the side-eye for reading a “smutty” book!
You: “Hey, I’m reading about the power of honesty and love! What’s the life-affirming theme of that last Tom Clancy thriller you read, huh???”